Facts > By Film > Seven Brides for Seven Brothers > By Topic By Person By Film. The film ends with the brothers kissing their respective brides in the living room of the Pontipee cabin. What is the hink-pink for blue green moray? When did organ music become associated with baseball? EMAIL ME. Gideon rides to the cabin to inform Adam of his daughter's arrival and asks him to come home. 1. Milly is furious with Adam and his brothers for kidnapping the women, and she kicks Adam and his brothers out of their house and sends them to the barn to "eat and sleep with the rest of the livestock", while the women stay in the house with her. [23], Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes awards Seven Brides for Seven Brothers an 88% "Fresh" rating based on 24 reviews, with an average rating of 7.7/10. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a 1954 Western Musical film, later staged on Broadway in 1984.It was based on a short story by Stephen Vincent Benet, itself a parodic takeoff on the Rape of the Sabine Women from Classical Mythology.There was also a TV adaptation that lasted only one season in 1982-1983. Privacy | Befittingly, he gets a red shirt during the barn dance. Asked by Wiki User. Winter comes, and the six younger brothers are pining for the girls they had fallen in love with. The girls take a fancy to the brothers as well. All rights reserved. The following slogan was used to publicize the film in 1954: The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists: For domestic figures see "All Time Domestic Champs", Filming notes in the DVD anniversary edition, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (disambiguation), one of the best American musical films ever made, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – Details", https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047472/trivia?ref_=tt_ql_2, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Seven_Brides_for_Seven_Brothers&oldid=982905239, United States National Film Registry films, Films that won the Best Original Score Academy Award, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from December 2019, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In 2008, the film was ranked number 464 in Empire's list of the 500 greatest films of all time. The brothers have been given Bible names alphabetically: Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank (short for frankincense—supposedly due to no Bible names beginning with F—and their mother thought he smelled sweet), and Gideon. When they arrive at his cabin in the mountains, Milly is surprised to learn that Adam is the eldest of seven brothers living under the same roof. In 1850, backwoodsman Adam Pontipee comes to town in the Oregon Territory to shop and look for a bride. "[16] Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post declared: "Dandy dancing, singable songs and the ozone of originality make 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' the niftiest musical I've seen in months. "[12], Lyricist Johnny Mercer said that the musical numbers were written at Kidd's behest, as an example "of how a songwriter sometimes has to take his cue from his collaborators. The fathers, who find the brothers trying to force the women to return to town, misunderstand their efforts as assault, and charge to the girls' rescue.

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