Maybe they didn’t succeed in doing what they wanted most. What does it take to start a successful online business? This one really resonates with me because I’ve been there quite a few times. My list can even be longer but a post like this can inspire us to leave all the excuses behind. Solution: All right, a confession: This is perhaps the excuse I found myself making the most. 5. You probably don’t have that. If you can’t be successful without money, then you likely won’t find success once you have it. Thanks Oscar. 1. Even with the very best advice like you’re reading here, you still need to go get it. This above excuse is the epitome of negative thinking. However, there is never a right or perfect time to do anything. in AU sizes. I am guilty of using many of these excuses…but then I discovered that if I mostly to the things I love and enjoy, I don’t need to make excuses! where your time is going, you have no reasonable excuse. But look at it this way: do you go to church just for friends (or fellow members) or for your creator? Whether you go to college or become specialized in a given field, as long as you continue your life’s education you will be in good shape. I know it sucks at first but you must push through. The best way to meet someone who’s “right” for you is to do so by immersing yourself in an activity that brings out the best in you. A face covering may catch fluid droplets coming from your nose and mouth that can carry the virus. Everyone's favorite. When one says they’re not educated enough they mean that they’re not confident enough in their skillset. We all make excuses but sometimes it’s best to just say “I’m wrong. And so should you treat your life that way. Such an extensive list and some great mind-retrainers. This one may be the last but it’s one of the biggest excuses. I thought you said you lost your phone. Or maybe you just need to share your vision, goals and how you plan to achieve what you want with your friends. In this CNBC news segment, President Donald Trump explains that he doesn’t need to wear a mask because he has tested negative for the virus: If wearing a mask is the difference between you being masculine and not masculine, then buddy, you’ve got problems. Back in February, public health officials were advising against non-health care workers from hoarding a special kind of mask: the N95 masks. But it’s not the only way to go. I believe in this so much, I wrote a book about choosing and living our life by core values. Run your own race! Is it a bad idea to lie to your boss about why you are missing work? Lord knows that fifteenth episode of Vampire Diaries isn’t going to re-watch itself. 4. Here's the ice cold Heineken truth: your employer doesn't care. For example, the video accompanying this tweet shows various people refusing to wear masks when asked to do so and even coughing in protest: Coughing at someone because you can’t do what you want? Next!And remember that you’re now one step closer to the next “yes.”. “Gah babe, I have a *insert fake pic* flat tire !”. I don’t care how busy you think you are, the vast majority of you have time! Let me know in the comments what you think that is. No matter how small you think your talents are, it can change someone else’s life. No questions will be asked in fear of additional info. the table of contents was great! In this article, we are going to look at the most common list of excuses people make and how to overcome them, It is divided into three sections: Me excuses , Excuses for missing school, Church excuses. Take control of your life my friend. Asking people to wear masks during this ongoing Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has unmasked a lot of ugliness in society. They don’t need to know you saw the pic on his new GF’s sister’s best friend’s page. If you feel the physical appearance is causing a distraction, then figure out what it might take to lose weight, if that’s your concern. Maybe you’ve found the magical protective drug, amulet, or chant that no real scientist has found. Studies show that failure is among the most common reasons for making excuses. If you need an alarm to get up daily you need to adjust your sleep habits or rock the bed earlier. “I saw a photo of *insert ex-boyfriend’s name* on Facebook  and just need to be alone right now.”. I have authored over 200 scientific publications and three books. Also included is a list of statements to correct your offenses. Do what you love, exercise your freedom to do it and do so with supreme confidence and faith. Solution: This is less of an issue if you live in a major metropolitan area where public transportation is by far your best choice. Yes it is uncomfortable when you conclude it is us that’s the actual problem. mybookbath/Instragram. We never seem to stop making them. There’s always Uber. These measurements should be used as a guide Always remember this: there is someone who needs your contribution that won’t be helped. In this modern cell-phone, Google Home, Amazon Echo era of technology, this one still mystifies me. Start researching the ways to get where you want to be and in the meantime — continue pursuing what it is you want. We live in an interdependent world where thoughts, ideas and actions are taken in unison with others. When that special someone is around and you really want to see them, is time really an issue? Am I saying to be cold and bitter Godzilla and ignore any feedback at all costs? Movies, television, advertising, and what celebrities do often govern what is considered sexy, so the whole thing is a bit made up anyway. While I don't expect anyone to turn perfect, we have to realize that excuses added up to who we are today. — Scott Spencer. “I totally forgot about *insert fictional relative* coming into town and I have to clean the house.”. Being “too young” should never, ever be a barrier to entry for someone looking to get started — or to continue going — on their dream. It might be trying to become a musician, writer or entrepreneur. Take responsibility for yourself and focus on what you can control and influence. I’m living that life each day. You must be willing to challenge yourself and do something different. You’ll get a sympathetic message in return, I promise. Hey, sometimes we all need to take a sick day, or take a "sick day" but we don't know exactly what to tell our boss that they will believe or allow. Whether it’s moving to a new country or changing your profession, this seems to. Plus, you could always Zoom your face and plaster it on Instagram for now. Between now and then, we have the Internet, books, access to cheap transportation and infinite possibilities to create all at low-budget costs. 1: To face facts. Please note: All garment tags are Solution: The federal government in the United States offers a completely free program through the Small Business Administration called, SCORE. The better you get and the more consistent you are you’ll feel like it a lot more often. We can all make a list of excuses as long as our arm for why we’re not taking action. I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order. Solution: MAKE the time. What did you do yesterday morning? This is related to the previous, but different. 11 Lame-Ass Excuses You Make Every Day that are Ruining Your Life (And 11 Non-Lame-Ass Alternatives) 1. “I have some personal family issues happening ATM”. You really think they thought of themselves as ‘failures’? Here is a tweet using that hashtag from Jamie Coleman, MD, FACS, a trauma and acute care surgeon at Denver Health and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, whose husband was a football player: Maybe you somehow think that you are protected against the virus. Some parents take their children away completely and treat it as their holiday. The most popular excuses to miss work are often health-related. Because if your kids were terminally ill, or your homes were about to be repossessed, you’d find a way. To make it super easy since you're so determined by reading through, grab our excuse busting checklist right here.. I’ve created a cheatsheet for you to get more done, achieve more and finally be happy, immediately. is like spiritual fast food every day for breakfast. Good excuses for missing work are usually either very specific—like your toilet overflowed and you have to handle it, or are very vague—like you need a "personal" day. Stop thinking no one cares about you or your bold ideas. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Everyone will believe you … Finally, it has always been emphasized that wearing masks that aren’t certified as N95 will not really protect you that much. Here are some of the most common school excuses. I got really very inspired by your post. I understand workplace comfort is important. Here's a list of the best excuses to get out of work—including believable excuses to miss work, ridiculous reasons to stay home and funny justifications for taking the day off. Start doing things that you love that are constructive, edifying and lead to positive results for you and others. We've all seen some version of this. you think should be when curled up in bed. We’re all far better from having made mistakes — but it’s best to keep these to a one-time or few-times deal. P.S. I find this is the excuse and fear that held me back for far too long from living the life of my dreams. And honestly they shouldn't. Secondly, many people were wearing the masks improperly such as not creating a real seal with their faces, using the masks well beyond their effective lifetimes, and touching the outsides of the masks with their fingers and faces. And note that while some excuses may actually apply to you; it is how you press your case that will go a long way in getting you off the hook. For every excuse there is a solution if you take time to think about it and analyse it. The list of excuses seem to have become part of our everyday living. If you are genuinely worried that wearing a mask will somehow “out you” or show that you are not part of a certain club, just wear other things to show that you still belong to that club, such as a hat. You got it. I love that you keep it real. Even when we refuse to admit it. Yes I’ve read it. I look at my five-year plan and I see how many things I’ve achieved that I set out to do. Use a project management tool like Trello to balance your priorities and break your tasks into projects. Solution: If you think your looks, weight or some blemish is what’s hurting you, you’re thinking of things the wrong way. Look. Parents this is what your kids do. So what do you think? But you need to realize that no one was 100% confident in their skillset when they got started. I’m sure I have a few excuses that are holding me back right now. You’re right you do need to build a thick skin. If the “luck” isn’t working in your favor, or you haven’t quite found success in what you’ve attempted, one of two things are probably the case: 1) You need to keep trying and keep going or 2) It may be time to change course and try something else that you will never give up on.

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