All original author and copyright information must remain intact. Upstairs in the Mom Loft, we half-heartedly discuss whether Abby will ever put Maddie up against Kendall. I would dearly love to pretend otherwise. She likes that the dance is more grown up because Kenzie’s going up an age group next year. People who are no longer members of the ALDC should not know what’s going on inside the ALDC. I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Christi notices that Kalani actually appears to be leading the dance. Or getting a candy box for being outstanding. She was outstanding with that candy box. Kate is depressed but finds a way to help Alice, who is navigating a milestone. This season finds our toddlers at Crest Moon Camp, and our moms at their wits’ end. Kelly says whatever, buttinsky, but allows it. Kalani gets a lyrical dance called Swan Solstice. The fourth season of the sitcom Mom began airing on October 27, 2016 on CBS in the United States. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, people. Rehearsing her solo, Abby tells Mackenzie she has to start moving like a teenager if she wants to be a pop star. Actually, she seemed to have a lot of them. Like the day i heard Queen Abby Lee the wicked Any sales or other uses of this document are expressly forbidden, without the specific consent of the author(s). Anne confronts Kate after she finds out Kate lied to her about having a second job. Click here and start watching the full season in seconds. But maybe it was Kalani’s fault, too. Then we talk about the possibility of a Maddie versus Kalani showdown. Abby, for my sake, get a new capper. Workin' Moms is back, but as the kids outgrow Mommy and Me, our moms are growing too. Hey Dance Moms nation! That’s very pretty, Amanda Clark. 4-1 : 18 Feb 20: Charade: 41. Row 2 starts with Chloe. This is the first image that comes up when you Google “outstanding with the candy box” — with the safe search on, mind you. With Alice in "activity jail", Anne pitches a parenting book. Time to practice the solos. An eerily somber Kelly says she doesn’t miss anything about the ALDC. She demonstrates. Christi says she has never felt so alone. Back in the studio, Maddie’s back but Abby says Kendall gets to keep her starring role and Maddie needs to be graceful about it. The awards lady says Kalani’s and Chloe’s scores were very, very close. Abby — who is wearing a shirt mysteriously bedazzled with ama@inc on the front — says she must make sure that the child has the appropriate amount of energy when she sings. The season concluded on May 11, 2017. The series is produced by Wolf + Rabbit Entertainment, the production company of Reitman and her husband, Philip Sternberg.

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