On Thursday, California Gov. I've called my wife to say goodnight. call_ad_new('halfpage','tn_article','ad-halfpage-71539-0','rectangle_1',{"tn_author":"'richard-k'","tn_articleid":71539,"tn_ptype":"article","tn_keyword":"false","tn_subject":"'gender-and', 'lgbtq-acti', 'media', 'regions-an', 'religion', 'social-jus', 'society'","tn_slp":""}); By using this website, you consent to our use of cookies. His chest stopped moving. You will be removed immediately and without discussion. I wondered if I would get the virus. Then, in his evidence to the papal commissioners several years later, Cragh added in the Virgin Mary for good measure, claiming that she had appeared to him in a strange vision in his castle dungeon on the morning of his execution, accompanied by ‘a lordly figure’ who she said was ‘St Thomas’, who would save him. But on balance we believe the evidence points to the youths being hanged for same-sex relations, rather than rape.”, HRW’s Long agrees that “skepticism about official accounts in any country with a record of rights violations–be it Iran or the US–is merited.” But Long, Ghaemi, Ettelbrick and other human rights activists disagree with Outrage!’s conclusions. It's night now and protesters are gathering. But on both counts people have been all too ready to presume something worse and different than what took place. Jesse Jackson is walking through the crowd and hugging supporters. A whole tissue of speculation has been woven around mistranslations and omissions and this has been solidified into a narrative that this is a gay rights case.”, Both Long and Ettelbrick expressed concern that interest in the case from some organizations and media outlets seems predicated on an identification of the teenagers as gay, and they worried that gay rights had in some cases been co-opted–intentionally or not–for other ideological purposes. The last few days, I've been dancing with my 9-year-old daughter in the annual "Nutcracker" ballet at her school. '” Explaining his decision to sign the UAT statement, Tatchell wrote, “Today, the pseudo-left reveals its shameless hypocrisy and its wholesale abandonment of humanitarian values…. “What it’s Like to Witness an Execution.” We would collect in groups, praying to a higher power – because the power on the ground was not listening – to spare his life, for mercy to replace vengeance, for a miracle. }); The commissioners sent by the Pope were there to gather supporting evidence for Thomas de Cantilupe being made a saint. had examined different versions of the story. Professor Catherine Clarke, of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Southampton, is working on the City Witness project, funded by the AHRC, which is using this glimpse of the past to add a new dimension to the city of Swansea. Ar ôl cael ei gipio ym 1290 gan fab William de Briouze, Arglwydd Gŵyr, cafodd ei ddienyddio ar fryn o fewn golwg castell de Briouze yn Abertawe - ddwywaith, mewn gwirionedd, am i’r crocbren gwympo y tro cyntaf. We are creating a unified UKRI website that brings together the existing research council, Innovate UK and Research England websites. They have nothing good to say about it. He listened, then said, “I understand there are no impediments.”. Jesse Jackson has been here all day. The reasons given were doubt about guilt, mental incapacity of the condemned, or the governor's own dislike for the death penalty. The same officials were standing beside Purkey, his arms strapped down with black restraints. When the drugs started to flow he tried to keep his head up, as if to see his five friends who were there. A man armed with a machete, who was hit by a Denver police patrol car, is being investigated for multiple crimes including felony menacing and first-degree assault of a peace officer. They even took my glasses to X-ray them. The story also reveals much about the challenge of pursuing gay and human rights in a political climate infused by the US-led global “war on terror,” anxiety over the recent election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of Iran and growing fears about Islamic fundamentalism, particularly in Europe, in the wake of the London bombings last month. The team had been looking for another project in a Medieval frontier town, and had been aware of the William Cragh story. Ac yn ddigon gwir, dechreuodd Cragh, yr oedd tystion wedi cytuno ei fod yn farw, ddangos arwyddion o fywyd ac, yn y pen draw, cafodd wellhad llwyr. By the weekend of July 23, officials at Human Rights Watch and the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)–all of whom were seeking further information before issuing statements–were alarmed at how quickly the story had spread across gay websites, listservs and institutions. By midnight, all of us left again for our hotels nearby. There are some heated arguments in the crowd; some people trying to shout down others. I asked if that was my exit key and they said no glow, no go. You never forget the sound of a body being dropped into the pit. Not good, is the short answer. On July 26 the Log Cabin Republicans weighed in with a statement that began, “In the wake of news stories and photographs documenting the hanging of two gay Iranian teenagers, Log Cabin Republicans re-affirm their commitment to the global war on terror.” Log Cabin president Patrick Guerriero said, “This barbarous slaughter clearly demonstrates the stakes in the global war on terror. I have to go through security at the prison no later than 9:30. Juvenile execution is wrong,” said Long. You will be able to bring in a watch. I've been thinking about how far my world is from Tookie's. But Outrage! And then Lee said those last words, looking right at me. I used to be proud to call myself a leftist. There are also some quiet discussions with differing points of view. Late on Monday night, I will go through security at San Quentin prison and get on a bus with a bunch of other reporters to go to the death chamber and watch Williams die. ), Given Tatchell’s recent statements, it seems likely that his ideological disposition caused him to look past or dismiss information that cast doubt on the “gay teenagers” story. They do not have much to do to while away the time. There’s no question that the executions of Marhoni and Asgari deserve fierce condemnation. Copyright (c) 2020 The Nation Company LLC. ), When asked if HRC would continue to protest the executions if the rape charges proved accurate, Fisher said, “We would be relieved to learn that the charges of homosexual sex were wrong, and that this turned out to be a case of assault.” As an organization that focuses “on issues specific to the LGBT community,” Fisher said that HRC “does not have a position on the death penalty.” In his second post on the hangings, Doug Ireland noted that the controversy around the hangings demonstrates that American gay organizations and media have “little experience or background in evaluating, reporting on, or mobilizing around” the “problems of same-sexers in foreign cultures” and that they lack a “perspective that situates gay oppression within the broader context of the challenge to human rights, or engage with human rights issues that are not specifically gay.”, This sort of parochialism does not seem to underlie Outrage!’s role in the controversy.

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