to ask your question. But let's not dismiss the results as applicable to only one country — American or Canadian broadband users aren't any smarter than their British counterparts. Recently, in the techie Q&A column in the New York Times, someone asked about changing the password in their router. Some experts recommend changing the password to the router every 30 to 90 days. She writes about software, electronics and other tech subjects, her ultimate goal being to help people out with useful solutions to their daily tech issues in a simple, straightforward and unbiased style. So you should change your router's password at least once. First off, let me ask this: have you ever changed your router's If available use WPA, not WEP. We compiled these default router passwords here by manufacturer: Cisco, Linksys, NETGEAR, D-Link. In a Belkin router, try the System Settings. Andy O'Donnell, MA, is a former freelance contributor to Lifewire and a senior security engineer who is active in internet and network security. Eighty-two percent of 2,205 people surveyed said they had never changed their router's default administrative password. Other sources of default admin passwords include downloadable PDF manuals available in the support section of most router manufacturers' websites. If your router was using the default userid/password then the person that set it up is worse than incompetent, they are guilty of negligence. New routers typically come with a default admin password that's easy to guess and remember. In my experience, the default IP address is rarely changed. Of course, researching the how-to from the manufacturer is wise. Ask Leo! On Xfinity's site, I clicked Edit WiFi to change the name of my Wi-Fi network and set a new password. If you don't change the password to your router, then anyone with access to it can change its settings and even lock you out. There may also be software for managing the router, but finding and installing the software can be a headache of its own. Most routers offer a browser-accessible administrator page that you must log into in order to access the router's configuration settings. There was a problem. not age-related, it's about capability. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('snhb-sidebar_3-0'); }); Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of help desk tips for IT Professionals and geeks. 4.   3. Every router, wired or wireless, has an internal website used to make configuration changes. Read Elsie's Full Bio. Advertisements do not imply my endorsement of any product or service. infect your system. Upgrading to a better DNS server can make your surfing both faster and more secure. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. Press and hold the reset button on the back of your wireless router. Some routers, especially Linksys ones, but probably others as well can be configured to be administered over using HTTPS protocol thereby (presumably) encrpying any admin passwords that could be transmitted. But at least most car owners know they should get a mechanic to do those things for them. Similarly, 82 percent had never changed the default network name, 86 percent had never updated the router's firmware, 70 percent had never checked to see if any unknown devices were on their networks and 69 percent had never even changed the default Wi-Fi access password. Note: The process of changing your SSID is generally the same across major routers, though the exact names of settings and menus may vary depending on the model you’re using. VERY dangerous). Cursor Jumps Around While Typing in Windows? Do I Those are folks with unencrypted wireless connections or wireless Should you change it? Most router manufacturers set default router SSIDs like NETGEAR_XXXX or Linksys_XXXX. This is what you need to know. The most reliable method is to ask the TCP/IP software running on your computer. The IP address of the router is identified by Windows as the "Default Gateway". Change the administrator credentials. That was No Ethernet cable, IP address, or password is required. The manual should explain the procedure. To change your router's WiFi password, see How do I change my NETGEAR router's WiFi password or network name (SSID)?. 3. We use a D-Link 2.4 GHz router, about 7-8 years old, for our home LAN. © CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. sniffable. need a firewall, and if so, what kind? How to Change Your Wireless Router's Admin Password, Change the Wi-Fi Channel Number to Avoid Interference, Connect Nintendo Switch To Bluetooth Headphones, Connect To A Wireless Network With Windows, Disable Automatic Wireless Connections on Windows, How to Fix OS X Bluetooth Wireless Problems, What to Do When Google Home Won't Connect To Wi-Fi, What to Do When There's No Internet Connection, 5G Challenges: Why It Isn't Rolling Out Faster.

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