|, July 30, 2020 The interesting thing with ViewResult type is, you can return a different View regardless of using View having the same name as that of the action method. Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, Directorate-General European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. Together we use our voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. |, September 15, 2020 Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals, Networks and Partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training, Large scale European Voluntary service events, VET - Business Partnerships on Work-based learning and Apprenticeships, Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms, National Coordinators for the European Agenda for Adult Learning. Let’s take an example. ESI Online Auktion "Cloud Seven" vom 22. Hence it is the use of FileResult in different scenarios. You can also give MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type in Content helper method to tell the MVC to take appropriate action after recognizing the content. And the code of “Second View” page is as follows. But you want to use ActionResult then MVC will automatically perceive that it is of EmptyResult. Now if you want to return the file in byte array then you have to use following code. Text RESULTS to 50457 to sign up for text action alerts. Expand the assembly, you will see ActionResult, expand it also, you will see the base and derived types also. See the folder structure below. We are the leading online resource for car auction results from the UK, Europe, Australia & North America. Action Result is actually a data type. I hope he will like this. Select “Open” option and open the assembly from where you downloaded it. This return type has many other derived types. Here you can find the results of the call for proposals already closed. HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, C# Corner is Hosting Global AI October Sessions 2020. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Large Scale European Voluntary Service Events, Capacity Building in the field of higher education, Civil Society Cooperation: Education and Training, Comprehensive policy frameworks for continuing VET, Social inclusion through education, training and youth, Support for small and medium sized enterprises engaging in apprenticeships, VET-Business Partnerships on Work-based learning and Apprenticeships, Capacity Building in the field of Youth 2020, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2020, Capacity Building in the field of higher education 2020, Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training, Social Inclusion and Common Values: the Contribution in the Field of Education and Training, Key Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2020, Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth, Support for Policy reform, Civil Society Cooperation in the Field of Youth EACEA/45/2019, European Youth Together – Call EACEA-12-2019, National Coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EACEA 01/2019), Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Selection 2020-Call EACEA/02/2019, Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training Call, Social Inclusion and Common Values: The Contribution in the Field of Education and Training, Capacity Building in the Field of Youth 2019, Capacity Building in the field of Youth 2019 - Call EAC/A03/2018, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees-Partnership with Japan 2019, Sector Skills Alliances 2019-Call EAC/A03/2018, European Forward Looking Cooperation Projects in the field of Education and Training Call, Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2019 EACEA/36/2018, Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers-Call EACEA/37/2018, Key Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2019, Support for Policy reform, Civil Society Cooperation in the Field of Youth - Call EACEA/41/2018, Key Action 3: Support for policy reforms, EQAVET – NRP, European Policy Experimentations EACEA/28/2017, Key Action 3: Support for policy reforms, PIAAC, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education - EACEA/03/2018, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education Selection 2019, Social Inclusion and Common Values: the Contribution in the Field of Education, Training and Youth - EACEA/10/2018, Social Inclusion and Common Values: the Contribution in the Field of Education, Training and Youth, Capacity Building in the Field of Youth 2018, Sector Skills Alliances 2018 - EAC/A05/2017, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2018, KA3: Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training, Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training -Call EACEA 27/2017, Key Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2018, eTwinning Partner Support Agencies (PSA) - Selection Year 2018 (Invitation EACEA/11/2018), Selection results - Key Action 3: Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training and Youth - EACEA/26/2017, Civil Society Cooperation in the Field of Education and Training and Youth EACEA/26/2017, eTwinning Partners Support Agencies PSA applicants EACEA/30/2016, KA1 - Large Scale European Voluntary Service Events, Learning Mobility of Individual - Large-Scale European Voluntary Service Events 2017, Capacity Building in the field of youth 2017, Social inclusion through education, training and youth - EACEA 07/2017, KA2: Sectors Skills Alliances 2017 EACEA 04/2017, Key Action 3 - Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2017 - EACEA/41/2016, Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2017 EACEA/41/2016, National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EACEA 02/2017), Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017 – Call EAC/A03/2016, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017, Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Knowledge Alliances 2017 - EAC/A03/2016, Jean Monnet Activities 2017 Call EAC/A03/2016, Erasmus+ Sport - Call for proposals EAC/A03/2016, Key Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees), Support for Policy Reform, Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth EACEA/37/2016, eTwinning Partner Support Agencies EACEA/30/2016, eTwinning National Support Services EACEA/29/2016, Key Action 3 – Policy experimentation projects – EACEA 34/2015, European policy experimentation - EACEA 34/2015, Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2016 - Round 2, Selection results - Erasmus Charter Selection 2017, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 Selection 2017, Sport: Collaborative Partnerships/Small Collaborative Partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events NOT related to the 2016 European Week of Sport, Selection results - Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education EAC/A04/2015, Knowledge Alliances-Sector Skills Alliances 2016, Selection results – Key Action 3: Social Inclusion through Education, Training and Youth, Social inclusion through education, training and youth - EACEA 05/2016, Key Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 2016, Selection results - Quality assurance at European level for enhanced transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications, Quality assurance at European level for enhanced transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications EACEA 48/2015, Selection results - Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms - EACEA 49/2015, Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms EACEA 49/2015, KA3 - Support for small and medium sized enterprises engaging in apprenticeships, Support for Policy Reform - support for small and medium sized enterprises engaging in apprenticeships, Selection results - KA1 - Large Scale European Voluntary Service events 2016, Large Scale European Voluntary Service events 2016, Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2016 - Round 1, Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2016 - EAC/A04/2015, Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events related to the 2016 European Week of Sport, Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events related to the 2016 European Week of Sport, Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth EACEA/32/2015, NARIC 2015 Selection results (EACEA No 44/2015), eTwinning PSA applicants call EACEA 31/2015, eTwinning NSS applicants Call EACEA 30/2015, Erasmus+ Programme: Policy Experimentation in school education sector, Prospective initiatives - Policy experimentation in school education sector - EACEA 30/2014, Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of Youth Round 2 - 2015, Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2015 - Round 2, EPALE National Support Services (NSS) (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) (EACEA 01/2015), List of the institutions awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education under the Erasmus+ Programme- EACEA/10/2015, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020, Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events NOT related to the 2015 European Week of Sport - EAC/A04/2014 - (Round 2 14 May 2015), Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events NOT related to the 2015 European Week of Sport, National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EACEA 02/2015), Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education 2015, Key Action 1b - Learning Mobility International (Joint Degrees), Selection results - Comprehensive policy frameworks for Continuing VET 2015 (EACEA/04/2015), Selection results - Knowledge Alliances-Sector Skills Alliances 2015, Knowledge Alliances-Sector Skills Alliances 2015, Selection results - KA1 - Large scale European Voluntary Service events - EAC/S11/13, EAC/S11/13 - Key Action 1 : Large Scale European Voluntary Service events, Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of Youth EAC/S11/13 Round 1 - 2015, Selection results – Key Action 3: Forward-Looking Cooperation projects – EACEA/33/2014, Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015, Jean Monnet activities 2015 - EAC/A04/2014, eTwinning PSA applicants call EACEA/37/2014, Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events related to the 2015 European Week of Sport - EAC/A04/2014 - (Round 1 22/01/2015), Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events related to the 2015 European Week of Sport, eTwinning NSS applicants Call EACEA/35/2014, Selection results - Key Action 3: Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training and Youth - EACEA/31/2014, Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Education and Training and Youth 2015, Restricted Call for Proposals EACEA/20/2014, Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms EACEA 20/2014, Selection results - Capacity Building in the field of youth, Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of youth - EAC/S11/13, Selection results - Not-for-Profit European Sport Events - EAC/S11/13 - (Round 2 26/6/14), Sport "Not-for-Profit European sport events" - EAC/S11/13, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 - Selection 2015, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 - EACEA/15/2014, Selection results - Collaborative Partnerships - EAC/S11/13, Sport: Collaborative partnerships in the sport field and Not-for-profit European sport events EAC/S11/13, Key Action 3 – Policy experimentation projects, Prospective initiatives - European policy experimentation - EACEA 10/2014, National Authorities for Apprenticeships 2014, Support for Policy Reform/National Authorities for Apprenticeships - EACEA 13/2014, Selection results - Key Action 2 : EAC/S11/13, National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning- Selected Applications, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals - Joint Master Degrees, Selection results - Jean Monnet activities - EAC/S11/13, Awarded 2014 PSA applicants for eTwinning (EACEA/41/2013), Selection results - Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the field of youth - EAC/S11/13, Selection results - Not-for-Profit European Sport Events - EAC/S11/13, Selection results - Civil Society Cooperation - EACEA/05/2014, EACEA/05/2014 - Civil Society Cooperation, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 - Selection 2014, Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 - 2014, Selection results - KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals - Joint Master Degrees (EAC/S11/13), Selection results: Sector Skills Alliances 2019 Call EAC A03/2018, ‹ eTwinning National Support Services (NSS) and Partner Support Agencies (PSA), Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training Call ›, Statement on the murder of a teacher in France, Equity in school education in Europe: Structures, policies and student performance, Information about EACEA's new generation of funding programmes.
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