Because you four are all I’ve got left. Professor Ozpin was the inheritor of this divine mission until responsibility passed to Oscar. I've trusted him for years. Greatness in knowing that, when the world needed help, you were the one to reach out your hand. And it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount. . And I’m not going to see you die. Why hide who you are? And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. : Instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them? I'll...keep this brief. Professor Ozpin was the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, and an incarnation of Ozma, the ancient warrior dedicated to protecting Remnant from Salem. Beacon Academy is not a place. She doesn't care! said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there.”, “As Ginny and Hermione moved closer to the rest of the family, Harry had a clear view of the bodies lying next to Fred: Remus and Tonks, pale and still and peaceful-looking, apparently asleep beneath the dark, enchanted ceiling.”, “Get off me,” Harry spat, throwing Pettigrew’s hands off him in disgust. “Your parents gave their lives to keep you alive, Harry. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I... That's not what I meant to suggest. : Now get out of here. I advise you take some time to think about how you will uphold it. History But at this moment I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. <<< Where is he from, felt like drawing Ozpin he's a pretty cool guy o u o Ozpining. A callous old man who refuses to leave his home is visited by four traveling sisters. Professor Ozpin! One that he eventually entrusted to our team, and once I knew, there was no going back. lost.”, “Repeat after me, Mr. Black: I do believe in commas. Enjoy RWBY - Professor Ozpin iPhone 5 Background, cinderfell: “ favorite rwby quotes → 1/? The first understands his reclusive nature and urges his to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. YOU are Beacon, and you must now go forth and serve as a hopeful light for others. anything. asked Sirius as they emerged into the entrance hall. He always kicked students out after that. You'll die, over and over again! I’m doing it because — I don’t reckon my dad would’ve wanted them to become killers — just for you.”, “Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione. We both have. It doesn't take a great number of people to cause harm, but I still believe there are far more people in this world willing to prevent it. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. See more ideas about Rwby, Rwby red, Rwby ozpin. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. Overview She's strong, intelligent, caring... but most importantly, she's ready. But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten; things that require a smaller, more honest soul. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. “Long time, no see.”. “Remus Lupin: I am not being ridiculous. #incorrect rwby quotes #rwby #professor ozpin #glynda goodwitch #james ironwood #qrow branwen #bartholomew oobleck #peter port #professor merlot #source: parks and rec #this one is super long sorry! “I’m not doing this for you. My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds... "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?". That last bit was part of his speech, too. Well, okay. C’est la preuve d’une grande sagesse, Harry.”, “Ich habe versucht eine Welt zu schaffen, in der er ein glücklicheres Leben führen könnte.”, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. “Excellent,” said Lupin, looking up as Tonks and Harry entered. During the Fall of Beacon, he was killed in battle with the newly ascended Fall Maiden, Cinder Fall. It's true that all of this began with war. “Mr. But she also possesses something unquantifiable: a spark, that can inspire others even in the darkest of times. . The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful, and incredibly dangerous ability. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress and tragically lost her life on a training mission. On this fortnight of October 31st, 1975, the four Marauders agree to follow each other until death do us part. There are indeed a misguided few who have filled their hearts with malice. Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. I do, I do.”, “Well, hello, Peter,” said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to "see" more, to move freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest. There are just some matters that I prefer to... "play close to the chest". Find Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow. The Grimm are also attracted to this. Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you. My mother loved that story. But I won’t deny that I am a werewolf.”, “I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation,” he said, “and I am sure he will perform it admirably.”.

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