“I feel an affinity with Frank. It’s been a huge asset to me in the writing of this show. Once Juliana escapes, Frank is arrested and tortured at the behest of Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente), the leader of Japan's military police. “As far as I’m concerned, what makes me feel like I’m achieving something, what makes me feel satisfied is feeling total… to see something through someone else’s eyes as though it were my own. But three and four have changed quite significantly because originally, we were going to wrap it up in four episodes and then, if it was popular, continue it. In Hunted, I’ll never forget the Communist who was bludgeoned to death using a bust of Karl Marx. Images on VODzilla.co are authorised and subject to restrictions. I identify with his struggle because my acting comes from that too in a weird way. Would love your thoughts, please comment. “I think them being completely hands-off will occasionally lead to things, erm, going off the rails, but I think it’s worth it for the things that go right.”. I spoke to The X-Files and Hunted writer about the ideas behind his provocative new adaptation…. All episodes of The Man in the High Castle are now available exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, as part of a £5.99 monthly subscription – or, if you want free next-day UK delivery on Amazon products too, as part of a full £79 annual Amazon Prime membership. Maybe if he can come to terms with his father's approval or lack thereof, maybe he could turn to the good side.". It’s not long, for example, since his excellent detective series, Zen, was cancelled by the BBC after just one season. When you probe that way of thinking about such disturbing characters, how it’s developed over the years, it’s telling just how introspective the reply is. They wanted to make a splash in that way. Where else should fans of The X-Files or your other work look in this series for nods and references? To me, she's hope. “The thing with Amazon, they basically, and [The Man in the High Castle’s creator] Frank Spotnitz talks very well about this, they just left us the fuck alone. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. However, hope hasn't been lost and pockets of resistance remain devoted to freedom. I am interested in the future and the idea of different realities. I’m trying to remember what the other one is. And if it was American films, someone who was a bit of a shit. What they talked about were the things they thought could have tipped the war in favour of the Nazis instead of the Allies. "You don't get the sense that he really believes in Hitler and anti-Semitism and all those things. The State Trooper scene you mention, when [to explain the falling ashes of those executed by the Nazis] he talks about the “drain on society” in such a matter-of-fact way, to us, that’s reprehensible. Permission is required for any further use beyond viewing on this site. Having done that, I now feel like there’s a whole world of stories that we can explore, for quite some time. ), The concept was one that thrilled executive producer Frank Spotnitz (The X-Files) the first time he read the novel in college. So you’d say that, although this is alternate history, you see it as no different from a straight period drama, in which the period being depicted is used as a kind of veil to comment on our contemporary world? Well, it’s a very interesting question isn’t it? My fear was that I couldn’t do that without doing damage to the narrative, so I tried very hard to do it in a way that was respectful to the novel and just kind of gave more space to the themes and ideas that he had established. You never saw it dramatized. And that’s what I found myself more interested in.”. Shows on ITV Hub Then you start to understand how people can become indoctrinated.”. He describes it wryly as “an exercise in versatility”, but the words “success” and “versatile” keep cropping up. [N.B. That kind of brave studio filmmaking and the kind of mid-budget independent films that attracted the great writers and directors and upcoming writers and directors, now, that place seems to slowly be taken by long-form television. That whole scene is quite provocative to an American audience, isn’t it? “[The Man in the High Castle is] the only time I’ve ever been in a position where I’ve wanted something to be picked up for a second season,” he reveals. That’s kind of why I wanted Juliana to be, on the one hand, studying Aikido, and recognising the beauty of it, but then on the other hand, somebody whose own father was killed by the Japanese. Reading Time: 3 minutes. Rich is best known for his breakout role as Bolo on Bruce Lee Cinemax series Warrior. So, that was the biggest reconstruction we had to do. ", Joe isn't the only one who finds Juliana's humanity alluring. I think that’s kind of what the world needs right now. You can listen to a slightly longer version of this interview on our podcast here, in which we also review Amazon’s new show. But perhaps the strongest subplot is Frank's response to his brief, heartbreaking time in prison. “I’m managing finally in my later middle years to, I think, disengage myself from the concern about the relative success or un-success of things I do, because for a start, I’m no bloody good at guessing and I’m certainly no good at pushing my career this direction or that! "The themes [of the book] are: What is real, what is reality itself - which is a hard thing to even grasp, let alone dramatize. “I’d love to do a play again, and I will do one hopefully next year. He does seem to have genuine feelings for her but you don't know what the limits of those feelings might be. But with Frank Frink, he is very talented but his art now comes from a place of pain, torture and torment. Fall popularity contest: Which new shows do you love? Yet, today, there are national newspapers in the UK and US that use precisely that kind of rhetoric to talk about the unemployed, immigrants, people with disabilities…. La conception et la confection se font dans notre atelier parisien. A day and a half later, I was fully bearded and trying to get Jesus crucified.”. I’m really aware that this is really sensitive and you have to be very, very careful how you handle this material. Animals and plants don’t kind of go, ‘Oh it’s quarter past 11, we must go and eat.” As for the argument that there’s life on Mars, “I can’t believe that we’re the only kind of things going on. As we’re Den Of Geek, we’re obviously obsessed with nerdy details.

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