Ferdinand remained inactive, obviously sympathetic to the princes' party, and in 1552 Charles V was forced to sign the Treaty of Passau. ." The Turks retreated from Vienna after Charles relieved the siege of 1532 largely because they had reached the limits of their logistics. The problems of supplying a large army meant that military campaigns were usually restricted to the months between April and October. At last Charles appeared to have attained success; his plan for a new universal imperial authority, based on a unified Catholic Germany, seemed near fulfillment. By 1550 the emperor's health began to fail, and he succumbed increasingly to paralyzing bouts of depression. The Treaty of Crepy in many ways reveals the nature of international politics at the time - sometimes laudable aims, often duplicitous agreements, and then an open disregard for what had been signed. Soly, Hugo, et al., eds. The decade after the inconclusive 1530s showed more dramatic reversals. Before his accession and during his reign he pursued conciliatory policies toward t…, Charles IV, 1316–78, Holy Roman emperor (1355–78), German king (1347–78), and king of Bohemia (1346–78). Charles was born 24 February 1500 at Ghent, the son of Archduke Philip of Habsburg and Joanna I, daughter of Ferdinand of Aragón and Isabella of Castile. In the Mediterranean, Muslim fleets sailing from the ports of North Africa raided his Spanish and Italian kingdoms, causing widespread suffering and loss. Encyclopedia.com. Born in Scotland,…, Charles the Bold (Burgundy) (1433–1477) Charles agreed to the marriage plans. Charles, a few years younger than both, had outlived the two European monarchs most closely associated with him, although Suleiman, the Ottoman sultan, was to live on until 1566. From October 1555 to January 1556, in the midst of another war with the French, Charles V abdicated his many crowns. If he married Maria, Orleans would inherit the Low Countries on Charles’ death; if he married Anna, he would inherit Milan. By the 16th century the sultan was also the caliph, the religious leader of the Sunni Muslims. With each of his crowns Charles inherited enormous problems. In America he supported Spain's leading advocate for the Indians, Richard Heath graduated in history from the University of Cambridge and was a history teacher for France was also able to take advantage of the power and size of the Ottoman fleet. London, 1939. In religious matters Charles again had to be satisfied with compromise (Interim of Augsburg, 1548). He spent considerable time in each decade of his reign on campaigns against the Safavid dynasty in Persia (Iran) led by Shah Tahmasp. As the reign progressed, he became more dependent upon Spanish wealth and the Spanish army that formed the That divisions existed, between emperor and pope, between Charles and Francis, and between Catholic and Protestant, was undeniable. His advisers were divided; most of the Spaniards believed that Milan was essential to control in Italy and the links with the Low Countries, while those with a ‘Burgundian’ background, such as Granvelle, argued that the Low Countries were an invaluable asset. Eventually Doria, his admiral, was able to reassemble the remnants of the fleet and the army marched to meet them under constant attack. Encyclopedia.com. It became impossible to land more troops or supplies, leaving most with food for only two days. The Pope moved the general council from Trent to Bologna in order to escape the Emperor's influence. Long sieges and the devastation of the countryside had a major impact on food supplies. The negotiations of Passau and Augsburg had been left mostly to Ferdinand, while Charles withdrew to his native Netherlands. In Naples and Sicily his viceroys maintained order with minimal offense to local sensibilities while Charles personally created a system of patronage that coopted most of the princes and cities of the north, ensuring relative peace, if not prosperity, for years to come. The raids continued, because the Christians could not in the long run control all of the North African towns or the hinterland that supported them.

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