Anyways, cheers and thanks for the analysis. Study up before you ridicule the ancients. I am not mad here, actually I am amused by this article, as it raises more curiosity about my country. I would assume then that the Kazakh people are all very wealthy tax paying citizens. However, I can understand how one can see it as bizarre. Elite Apart-Hotel. Curious? G= 7+O=14+D+4= 27= 2+7=9/3 = 3 You people need to see it. 12 disciples, 12 months, 12 star signs, 12 hours in pm and 12 hours in am. The 77m tall piramyd reminds me of the 77° angle at apex of Giza. They named it ‘Akmolinsk’: the word for a Holy Shrine, translating literally as ‘White Tomb’. Perhaps the cruelest of these camps was situated at Akmolinsk itself, and known as ALZHIR: the ‘Akmolinskii Camp for Wives of Traitors of the Motherland’. Second, there’s that evil pentagram there which is 666 feet above sea level and 666 feet across. Very “rich ” city !! Something big is going to happen in 2016. TEM DIAS E HORAS QUE VEJO FOTOS E VIDEOS PARA PODER MATAR MINHA ADIMIRASÃO POR ESTA CIDADE. Underground tourism amongst the ruins of the Byzantine capital. Строительство школы в районе пересечения улиц А. Иманова и Е. Брусиловского в г... More than 20 thousand cubic meters of snow was removed over the past day, Police conduct raids on illegal points of sale of fireworks, Announcement of the competition for the international award «Volunteer of the year», Dostyk Street partly blocked off until May 23, Employment Road Map hires over 2.5 thousand metropolitans, Virtual Reception of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The “Tombs” so to speak. Mo. For those who have the same opinion about Astana as a satanic capital because of its name and also the name of the country, did you know that astana means capital in Kazakh, and the -stan for the country’s name is based on Old Persian’s way of referring to a country? While a naive observer may be justified in comparing the appearance of the Bayterek Tower to some kind of sun altar, it would nevertheless be a gross misunderstanding of the monument’s true meaning. The city has a lively nightlife, and much of the ex-pat culture in Astana is centered around the ‘Guns N’ Roses Pub-Grill’. Among Kazakhstan’s endless grasslands on the windswept northern steppes, the forward-looking modern city of Astana has sprouted. All the world leaders are actually well know friends behind the curtains. To Darmon Richter, thank you for understanding my country and writing this amazing article. Masonry is crypto- Talmudic Judaism, and the Khazarian empire that converted to Judaism in the 7th Century. He’s one of the leaders in the drive to dump the dollar in oil and gas sales. It appears this pyramid and the phallic symbol are in alignment with the City of London. Thank you. Whether or not that is part of a conspiracy in itself though, is beyond me. As the first new capital of the 21st century, the city of Astana in Kazakhstan has been received by many as a revolution in social architecture. Now you can send the message to the iKomek center or visit your personal account. Very good article, I find it cool how Kazakhstan is being recognized these days in respective ways(unlike borat). A stana, A Stana A Satan, thus wounderfull city i wish one day to be there very soon. It’s a very wonderful. I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. Because it’s IMPORTANT! However, there is certainly something strange about Astana. №31, восточнее канала Нура-Есиль, Строительство школы на 1200 мест в районе пересечения улиц Окжетпес и Ш. Бокеева, Строительство сквера по проспекту Женис район дома № 36/1, Строительство сквера по проспекту Сарыарка, в районе дома №23. If you want to belong to us today? To get the service, please, register or enter your personal account. I am Omi Dollars the spiritualist,I am know all over the world. We are a very young country. More or less I suppose, yes. It’s really time, that Americans (ALL of them, across the country) WAKE UP!, to REALITY, and stop using these imposed conformity-inducing terms, like “conspiracy theory”. Business Roadmap helps entrepreneur from Nur-Sulta... Business Roadmap helps entrepreneur from Nur-Sultan quadruple sales. I even had the chance to take in a performance of ‘Coppélia‘ by the Kazakh National Ballet; the story of a young man who falls hopelessly in love with an automaton created by a cruel inventor, only to grow increasingly isolated from the real world around him. На указанный при регистрации e-mail отправлено письмо для завершения регистрации. Y, YH, YHV, YHVH. To obtain information about the status of processing the request, enter the registration number of the request. Well I believe that Astana is definitely a satanic capital. Luciferianism is a topic explored by the Hermetic Mystery Schools and traces back to the magical practices of Egypt–both of which predate Christianity. Definitely one of the most visually impressive cities I’ve visited. He toed the Soviet line when that seemed appropriate, and now he uses a platform of nationalism to inspire support. The price of a city bus ticket is the only cost. Why? Help me keep this site growing, and in return you’ll get access to a hidden area featuring another 100+ posts of exclusive content and image galleries. It might just be someone who really doesn’t know the history imposing their own meanings onto things. A very interesting read, Darmon. Do you have any links for this? Many masonic rituals require initiates to pass between these pillars, and those with a little imagination might suggest that placing golden pillars on either side of Astana’s central Nurzhol Bulevard allows for occult workings on a grand scale [2]. Congratulations – you just won comment of the day. Astana brings ancient mythologies to life, whilst providing a canvas for some of the world’s most striking contemporary architecture… but to attribute this unique design to a secret society hellbent on establishing a New World Order, is just plain silly. Graceless, tactless, it is a pastiche of stolen and half-baked ideas. It is. YH When the government…. Moon and sun. Thank you very much for sharing this comment! Nur-Sultan mayor meets with members of the Preside... Nur-Sultan mayor meets with members of the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve. Sure, why not. if you have anything to share with me feel free to leave a massage. While the eastern station of a masonic temple is occupied by the Grand Master (whose wisdom is often associated with Divine Light), the western position is the realm of the Senior Warden. Sir Norman Foster, Kisho Kurokawa and other architects involved in this multibillion dollar project have trawled through the history books for their inspiration, incorporating elements of Greek, Egyptian and Arabic design [5]. I completely agree with you about the ‘evidence’ for these Illuminati theories. Satan is Good people are just too blind to see it. Unless of course we look even further west… considering the Bayterek as the mid-point of the temple then, at the far western end of Astana’s central plaza we find the Khan Shatyr leisure complex. Another key point to consider might suggest that any similarities between Astana’s city centre and a masonic temple are no more than eccentric, provocative design: just a small amount of research into the history of freemasonry will reveal that the Craft was heavily persecuted by the Soviets; as well as remaining to this day strictly illegal in most of the Islamic world. We will create the steam peace on earth by this story please watch and share 2018.5.14., Astana Thank you, Emin – this is a good paper, and an interesting perspective on the country. Earlier this year I spent the best part of a month in and around Astana. The United Nations & the International Court should be in Astana Kazakhstan. Official web-site of the Nur-Sultan city akimat. Astana International Financial Centre informs about death of Lady Barbara Judge CBE 16 July 2020 Regulated community attended a webinar related to Amendments to the AML/CFT Law of Kazakhstan and the AML Guidance I surely get more perspectives on Astana, and how ignorant some people can be. Assembly of People of Kazakhstan: we will implement and support the initiatives of our President. Some reports have even made international news. While the central and business districts have been laboriously designed by some of the most prestigious architects in the world, this 15-year-old capital is still seriously lacking in residential zones. The Antichrist of Revelation is said to make a peace pact for 42 months. On the top floor of the Khan Shatyr, you’ll find a tropical beach – complete with real sand, convincing palm trees and a wave machine. Fun fact: Bank of England is built on top of a Mithras-temple. So I suggest everyone to delve deeper into historical aspect — broad historical aspect that is — before making a misguided conclusion on this subject. Rather than a sophisticated and secretive cartel controlling society through the worlds of finance and media, Kazakhstan’s perceived problems have perhaps been more accurately surmised by references to a “Soviet bully-boy mentality”; for a more accurate parallel to this lavishly opulent capital built by a charismatic-yet-overbearing leader figure, one should look East rather than West; toward the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, for example. Do some more research and you will understand the significance. Perhaps there are too many different ideas squashed together here. Nur-Sultan was Astana until 2019, when it was renamed after the former president. They are just enlightened they have found the truth and have evolved into a higher state of being. Click the button below to go to your personal account. Enter your login and password to enter your personal account. Some of these symbols like the “Sun” has been in our culture forever, and before you accuse any of the other symbols to be illuminati, do your research…. While the feature certainly manage to highlight some bizarre features of the city, there is little here that can’t be understood better when you consider the history and context of Astana. Thank you for sharing this. Those buildings are not very tall either. But whether it will be remembered or not… I guess only time will tell. Astana residents can take the garbage and get a nominal fee for it. not many people will believe this which is exactly what they want. Astana has something going on there. It interested me, but also did not fit in with my own experience of the city. Critics and conspiracy theorists the world over have pointed out the rich occult symbology which seems so deeply ingrained into the aesthetics of Astana… and many are heralding this as the ‘Illuminati Capital of the World’. Dude, you clearly have a very rich imagination or read too much of Dan Brown’s book. Caravan of Kindness 2020 contest starts in Nur-Sul... Caravan of Kindness 2020 contest starts in Nur-Sultan. Exactly, yes – more than anything else I view Nazarbayev as an opportunist. He’s violently anti-liberal. Nur-Sultan is a city for the comfortable life! The Snezhnye Barsy of the Junior Hockey League is a junior team of the Barys Astana.

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